Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Create An Application In Power Apps

Today we will learn , how to Create An Application In Power Apps .

Before we explore how to Crate an Application first we need to know , What  type of Application we can make using Power apps.

we can make 2 type of application using power apps.

  1. Model Driven Application 
  2. Canvas Application  

Model Driven Application : Model Driven Application is nothing but simple complete application or a part  of the application which we can use it in any Power app Application. we can Use this Application as an website ,using our computer browser.

Canvas Application:  Canvas application are nothing but mobile application,  which we can access using Power apps Application. once the Canvas Application ready and publish we can access that Application inside power app.

Now let explore how we can create an Application using power apps.

Once user login to Power app website ,user will get a screen like this .

Before we create an Application fist let explore what are the option available to us.

As we are seeing we have some option to do some task in our  application, let explore some mostly used task.

  1. Apps : Apps section use to Crate an application , We will explore that in later point of time.
  2. Data :Data section we can create some data for our Entity (Entity nothing but table where we can store out information. which have some Rows and columns.)
  3. Flow : This is to perform some operation , like sending our application data to some other application, don't worry we will  explore in details later .
These are the Main feather we will use to make an application other section there to increase our Application capability .

Let's Explore First Model Driven Application :

Once user click on Crate Button ,like below 

it will navigate to some other screen , where we can find some other option like below.

We need to select Model-Driven App from Blank section .

Once user selected the section it will open a pop Up  to Crate the application.

we need to Click on  Create Button to Create the application .it will ask us some details about our Application after we provided the application it will create the application.

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